Sunday, May 11, 2008


Okay, so I have not been able to get onto my blog for a few weeks so I think that it is time for an update. After more drama than I care to remember, on April 26th we closed on our home. We were able to start moving in the following day, and now, we OWN A HOUSE! (Well, the bank owns it, but it is ours)

As you can probably guess, the first thing that I did was paint the master bedroom. The red, black and grey are gone! I held to my word and did not sleep a single night in the house until it was painted over. We had plenty of the green paint left, so I decided that that master bathroom should be painted the same as the bedroom, we went for it, and I love it. I am going to try to add some slide shows to show our progress... I have so much more to do. Tyson's parents and younger sisters are coming next weekend to visit, so I need to get the house in order, or at least more in order.

I haven't had much luck with planting flowers. Basically, it just isn't a priority this year (we need to get rid of the weeds and get a lawn going). I was able to get Tyson to let me get a few flowers however to put in our planter by the front door. We got the garden started as well which is really exciting. Tyson had some fun tilling up the garden after Jacob brought us a truck load of manure for it. We ever started on put a small wall of pavers around the garden, but it isn't finished yet, hopefully it will be soon.

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