Charlotte is still not certain what she thinks of grass, sitting on it is one thing, laying on it apparently is not acceptable.
I did finally manage to get a picture of her smiling with me though.
She really is such a happy girl. I still think of her as cranky sometimes though. I think that I let the colic formed my ideas about her personality, because she is really so cheerful. She is a busy little thing, and hates to be held down for anything, but she has such a happy disposition.
She has hair, I promise. It is just short and a white blond, just like her mama's was.
Lily spent her time digging up one of my flower beds. So long as she doesn't dig up my bulbs I don't complain too much.
She would carry the dirt around the corner to her bucket.
She would then dump the shovel full of dirt into her bucket and then dump the bucket into the wheelbarrow.
She is a silly little thing, but we love her dearly!
And these girls sure love each other!
Yesterday we had another first. Lily is stingy with her speech, always has been. She has started to talk a lot more in the last few months, but she won't say a single word that she doesn't want to, such a willful little thing (no idea where she got that from). Yesterday we were playing, just rolling around on the floor and being silly. I gave Lily a hug and kiss and said "I love you," and she hugged me back and said "I love you" back to me. That was the first time she has ever said that to me, and it melted my heart. She said it again this evening after bedtime stories when I gave her a hug and a kiss and said goodnight. It is these little moments sure make all of the messes, tantrums, and lack of sleep feel totally worth while.
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