I was making great progress towards getting Lily to pedal the trike herself...it has all been thrown out the window since little sister thinks that it is so much fun to push her up and down the driveway. Maybe next year...
Lily likes stickers, and I had forgotten that I had left some stickers in her top drawer. One day during nap time she found a sheet of these little raised hearts and stuck them all over herself. She was not happy with me when I told her that she had to remove them all before we could go to dance class.
Did you know that daucshunds like to burrow? I didn't either, until we got Franky. This guy burrows under pillows, blankets, and cushions when he wants a break. This one made me laugh though, it looked like he was tucked in to bed.
Charlotte loves babies and thinks that she should get to held them all, even when they aren't much smaller than she is.
I know that baby! She can hold Lucy whenever she wants. :)