Sometimes life just gets crazy, and these last few days have been just that. I prepped Gideon's 7 months onesie at least a week ago, but I didn't even realize that yesterday was the 19th, I thought that it was today. Whoops!
Oh well, one day isn't so bad, and this morning he was actually kinda happy! He cut his first two teeth this last week and he had a miserable time of it. His eczema is also pretty rough right now so Gideon's struggling. But he is still cute as a button so despite the crying, screaming, and neediness, I still love him dearly and I can't help but kiss those cheeks any time they come within range.
He is trying so hard to crawl. He spends a lot of time up in this position, but he isn't quite there yet.
He is trying though! It won't be long and he'll be hauling all over the place.
He just looks like the happiest baby! Happy seven months little man!!