Thursday, March 31, 2011

How Lily Gardens

Today was BEAUTIFUL!

So we spent it outside working in the yard and garden and just having a great time. Lily worked in the garden with her daddy when she wasn't swinging or running around the yard, and by worked I mean climbed through the garden beds while Tyson planted strawberry starts and put up the trellises. In the process Tyson moved some soil around and I suppose that is where Lily got this idea. She kept going...for a very long time...a VERY long time.
My sweet girls!

Monday, March 28, 2011


My first daffodil bloomed today, therefore Spring is here!
We spent the afternoon outside cleaning up the yard and working in my flower beds. Lily played in her swing and loved it as much as she did last year.
Oscar also came outside to play with us. If the weatherman is right, the end of this week is going to be heaven!
Lily wanted to help me water a few things and went back to fill the watering can back up.
Since I needed my watering can back, I gave Lily her piggy watering can, an early birthday present from her grandparents.
She emptied it rather quickly so she grabbed my watering can again and tried to fill hers up using mine, since she couldn't get any water out of the hose. This girl is going to be so much "help" in the yard and garden this year.
Just a cute picture of Charlotte in her bear coat from our outing this morning, because it's cute.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

....One Month....

Today Charlotte turned one month old! Time is just flying by around here. She is getting so big so quickly and we just love her. Lily loves her little sister and is very attentive. She also finally figured out how to say Charlotte's name.

Charlotte is getting huge! Okay, maybe huge is a big of an exaggeration, but she growing so fast. She is over 3 pounds above her birth weight already! Today she weighed in just over 11 pounds and she is just over 22 inches long.

I loved doing the monthly onesie project with Lily to chronicle her growth and the collage at the end is one of my favorite things so I have been very excited to get it going on this project with Charlotte.

Here's Charlotte with her piggy.
One month old and growing out of the 0-3 months onesie already. She is such a big girl and growing so fast!
Just being sweet.
And sleeping, which is of course when she is the sweetest.

Charlotte's Blessing Day

Today was Charlotte's blessing. It was a great day and we had lots of friends and family here to spend the day with us. Charlotte was a little cranky this morning and didn't make it easy on her daddy, but she looked beautiful and we love having her in our family!

Here she is in her beautiful little dress.
I meant to get more pictures, like ones of her with her grandparents and great grandparents, I really did, but it was a busy day and I just didn't have time.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Very Blessed!

I noticed this morning that so far I have made 199 posts on this blog which would make this post #200.

I started looking through the blog history and had some fun reminiscing as I went through the last few years of our lives. I started this blog back in March 2008, several months after Tyson and I were married. At that point we were shopping for our first home and most of my posts at that time were about the stresses of buying a home and then the joys of fixing up our little bungalow and making it our own along with gardening and yard work. Since that time the posts have changed. First, we adopted Oscar and he was the first addition to our family. Then in the Fall of 2008 we found out that we were expecting Lily and so while I was still posting about the house, I also posted about the "joys" of pregnancy. And of course when she was born in May 2009 most of my posts were about my growing little girl and our little adventures. And of course now that Charlotte is here she appears in posts as well. I still blog about the garden, projects at home, crafts, and everything else, but it is interesting to see how my focus has shifted over time.

I really should review this blog history much more often, especially when I'm having a rough day. The good times out number the bad and at the end of the day, I am living my dream. I have everything that I have ever really wanted! We may not be rich, I may not have a new car, or the best house, or fancy clothes, but those things don't bring happiness. My happiness comes from my family, my faith, and my friends and I am so grateful for everything that God has given me!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sweet Girls

I think that I am finally hitting reality. I'm still spoiled by having Tyson home from work, but with full-time school and church callings he is still very busy. Tonight was my first night doing baths and bedtime by myself. It had been a bit of a rough day. Lily wanted my attention and Charlotte is a snacker and eats a bit at a time pretty much all day long. So when Tyson left for class this evening and then his meeting I was already tired and when 7:30 rolled around I was pretty frazzled and the girls didn't make bath time or bed time any easier. They are finally both asleep and now all that I can think about it how sweet these little girls are and how grateful I am to have them.

So I'm reminding myself with some cute little pictures from the last couple of days.

Lily and her pudding cup.
Charlotte sleeping so sweetly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One Week Down

I have survived my first week as a mother of two!

I was actually really worried about this. I'm not sure why it scared me so much, but during the last month of my pregnancy I was constantly wondering how in the world I would manage two little girls. Thankfully, I have Tyson home from work right now to help with the adjustment process, but he still has full-time school so I have long stretches of time at home without him. It has been a very busy week, but we are getting along just fine and I think that we just might make it.

Charlotte had her first real bath this week. She was very unsure about it at first, but then seemed to decide that it was fine and has enjoyed them ever since. She takes her bath with her big sister and Lily loves having her there.
Speaking of Lily, she has been sillier than usual this week. She has been harassing Oscar quite a bit. Good thing he is such a patient pooch.
She has also been "testing" the baby gear. She keeps climbing up into the swing and reading her books.
And here she is in the bouncy chair checking out one of the baby pacifiers. She doesn't suck on the pacifier, she just chews a bit. Good thing because we weened her off those things 8 months ago and I don't want to have to do that again.
Lily is such an attentive big sister. She loves her baby sister and always wants to hold her hand, or kiss her forehead. She probably gives her several dozen kisses everyday and she is not one to give away kisses.
I'll leave you with a picture of my sweet baby girl sleeping in her bouncy chair. We love having her in our home!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This afternoon Lily got to spend some time holding her little sister. Please ignore her crazy hair, she found some lip gloss earlier this afternoon and decided that it was best used as styling gel.
Holding her hand. She had so much fun playing with her little fingers.
She was having so much fun going back and forth between her toes and her nose.
She is such an attentive big sister. She keeps getting blankets for her and this morning, while sharing some chips and salsa with her daddy she decided that her sister would also like one and tried to push a tortilla chip into Charlotte's mouth. I'm going to have to watch these girls closely.