Monday, March 28, 2011


My first daffodil bloomed today, therefore Spring is here!
We spent the afternoon outside cleaning up the yard and working in my flower beds. Lily played in her swing and loved it as much as she did last year.
Oscar also came outside to play with us. If the weatherman is right, the end of this week is going to be heaven!
Lily wanted to help me water a few things and went back to fill the watering can back up.
Since I needed my watering can back, I gave Lily her piggy watering can, an early birthday present from her grandparents.
She emptied it rather quickly so she grabbed my watering can again and tried to fill hers up using mine, since she couldn't get any water out of the hose. This girl is going to be so much "help" in the yard and garden this year.
Just a cute picture of Charlotte in her bear coat from our outing this morning, because it's cute.

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