Thursday, July 9, 2009

Family Reunion

My family is now officially big enough and spread out enough that we called our recent get together a reunion. It was so much fun! Liz brought home her boyfriend Eric and Rick flew in from his internship in Dallas.
It started out in Boise. On Saturday morning we all went to the temple. First we went through with Liz and then the 6 children that my parents adopted were sealed to my mom and dad. It was awesome and a wonderful experience for us all to be able to be there together.
This is now our most recent family photo:After lunch we all hit the road and went up to Donnelly. We had rented a cabin and stayed there until Tuesday. It was right on the lake and just beautiful! However, it rained ALL THE TIME! So, we didn't spend much time on the lake but we still had a blast because we were all there together!

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