Saturday, November 30, 2013


For the month of November I have been talking to the girls about the importance of being thankful and recognizing our blessings.  I put a tree up on our wall in the living room and every day the girls and I would add a leaf or two, and on each leaf we would write down something that we are thankful for.

I've been very impressed as we've gone through the month.  It was wonderful to spend just a few minutes together everyday talking about our blessings and expressing gratitude.
This year we went to my parents' home for Thanksgiving.  The day started out with me volunteering at and then running a race.  After I hurried home and got started on the rolls and stuffing we headed off to my folks house where we finished our prep work and got everything in the oven.  I really didn't calculate the time well because we barely had the food ready and on the table in time.  Anyway, the dinner was excellent, dad smoked the turkey, and everyone that lives in the local area was there plus my uncle Jon who is visiting my parents for a couple of week.  Of course I took no pictures because I always forget at events like this.  Tyson left after dinner for work and then I took the kids swimming in Grandma's pool and when it was all over we were just exhausted!  By the time we got home the kids were all asleep.

1 comment:

  1. My kids passed out before we hit the freeway home. Glad you had a great day!
