Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas Letter

You know those big long letters that you get in the mail at Christmas time summarizing the past year for a family?  I'm not good at writing those.  So this year on our Christmas cards I just put a link to our family blog address.  A bit impersonal I suppose, sorry if it offends, but honestly if you'd like to know what we have been up to it is all right here.

Here's a synopsis.  The year started out with us finding out that we were expecting a little boy.  The girls went on a naughtiness rampage that lasted for weeks and culminated in this event which left my sanity hanging by a thread.  Charlotte had the audacity to turn two, can you believe it?  We spent some time crafting and sewing, grandma and grandpa Hansen came for a visit and then the craziness of May set in.  Lily turned four, Tyson breezed his way through finals and we celebrated his birthday, Gideon decided to show up a bit early, Tyson started training at a second job and then changed his role out at the prison all while I'm adjusting to parenting 3 children.  May was a wild ride!  Continuing on; Lily had her big end of the year dance recital and started playing tee-ball while Charlotte adjusted to her role as a big sister.  We spent the summer camping, at the lake, and visiting family in Utah.  These settled down again in the fall with Tyson back in school and preschool starting up again.  We had a fun Halloween, I decided to run an insane half marathon five months after having a baby, and now we are full swing into the holiday season.

This has been a wonderful year for our family.  We keep plugging away at our simple little life here in Idaho and we love it!

We hope that everyone finds the love, peace, and joy that the Christmas Season and our Savior Jesus Christ have to offer.

Love to all!

Tyson, Jennifer, Lily, Charlotte, and Gideon

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